Student Handbook
Welcome to Heights High School!
In the section below, we've provided all the information you need to know for you and your student to thrive as part of the Heights High School family.
Heights High Student Handbook
- Academics
- Academic Activities
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Honors
- Administration
- Advocacy Guidelines
- Clubs and Sponsors
- Advanced Placement Guidelines
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Assessments
- Behavior
- Bell Schedule
- Building Hours
- Cell Phones and Technology Use
- College Courses
- Communication from School
- Dual Credit
- Dress Code
- Falcon Traditions
- Final Exams
- Graduation Requirements (Class of 2028 and beyond)
- Health Services and Medications
- ID Cards
- Library
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Lunch
- Obligations
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Parking Regulations
- Progress Reports and Report Cards - ParentVUE and StudentVUE
- Safety Drills
- Scanner Procedures
- Schedule Changes
- School Meals
- Senior Pass Card Criteria
- Sexual Harassment/Harassment
- Student Government
- Tardy Policy and Passes
- Textbooks
- Transportation
- Visitors to the Building
- Weather Information
Focus List
Each Friday, a list of all students who are earning the grades of 2 or more F’s and/or 3 or more unserved tardy detentions will be generated. Students whose names appear on this list will be subject to academic interventions as per the Heights High School pyramid of interventions in order to assist them in improving their academic performance. Heights Falcon Focus List emphasizes eliminating the cycle of failure that some students experience by keeping academic performance (your grades) as a primary focus.
When a student has 2 or more F’s and/or 3 or more unserved tardy detentions, their name will be placed on the weekly Focus List. They will not be permitted to attend any extra-curricular activity until their grades improve and/or tardies are served. Extra-curricular activities include athletic practices, all athletic contests, fine arts extra-curricular activities, dances (including prom) and non-academic school trips.
The Falcon Focus List is revised and updated each week giving students the opportunity to devote the proper attention to their academic work in order to remove their name from this list.
Academic Activities
Heights offers students the opportunity to participate in a variety of academic extracurricular activities. Below is a partial list of the academic-extracurricular activities. For information about these activities contact the sponsor/advisor.
- Debate
- Drama
- Newspaper
- Forensics
- eSports
- Instrumental Music
- Vocal Music
- Yearbook
- Student Government
- ProStart
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
- Youth Entrepreneurs of Kansas (YEK)
- Scholars Bowl
Academic Excellence
Academic excellence is the standard at Heights High School. Students are expected to arrive to each class on time, work diligently with each teacher, comply with classroom and school rules of conduct, and complete all classroom assignments.
Heights High School's policy on academic honesty reflects the values of the District’s mission statement, and the belief that students should be held accountable for their actions. The faculty and staff of Heights High assume that students are honest until their actions demonstrate intent to deceive or misrepresent themselves or others. Violations of classroom standards include, but are not limited to:
- Cheating on formal examinations or classroom assignments.
- Plagiarism, i.e.: purposely attributing the work of another to oneself.
- Misrepresentation of the type, amount, or person completing class work or projects where grades for credit are given, or intentionally misleading faculty or staff in their efforts to reach correct conclusions.
- Falsification, forgery, or alteration of any document or data base pertaining to academic, attendance, or other school records.
Students who violate standards of honesty are subject to disciplinary action deemed appropriate for the infraction by classroom instructors and/or administration.
Academic Honors
Gold Cord Award: Maintained a 4.00 – 3.75 GPA during the first 7 semesters of High School.
Governor’s Scholar: The Governor's Scholars program honors the top academic one percent of Kansas High School Seniors from accredited public or private schools in the state of Kansas.
President’s Silver Award for Academic Achievement: Maintain a 3.98 to 3.50 GPA for first 7 semesters.
President’s Gold Award for Academic Excellence: Maintain a 4.0 GPA for first 7 semesters.
Valedictorian(s): The student(s) with the highest unweighted GPA after the first 7 semesters of High School.
National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society Chapters are active at Heights. Information on chapter activities may be received from the sponsors.
Grade Point Averages will be weighted as follows:
A | B | C | D | F | |
Advanced Placement | 5.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 0 |
Honors | 4.5 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 1.5 | 0 |
The administrators are responsible for the well-being of the students whose last names begin with the letters noted. Attendance and discipline questions should be directed to the appropriate administrator.
Principal: Eric Filippi
Principal's secretary: Sheri Wallace
Phone | Assistant Principal | Alpha | Counselor | Phone |
973-1412 | Darrin Ross | A-D | Sarina Kletecka | 973-1556 |
973-1554 | Myron Fisher, Jr. | E-K | Heather Ybarra | 973-1423 |
973-1406 | Melissa Neal-McFarthing | L-Q | Wes Regehr | 973-1421 |
973-1411 | Lalo Flores | R-Z | Shauna Magennis | 973-1424 |
Athletic Director: Traci Nigg
Advocacy Guidelines
The goal of advocacy time is to provide students an opportunity for growth toward post-secondary readiness and effective citizenship. The purpose of Advocacy is two-fold:
1. The Advocacy curriculum and activities at Heights High School align directly with our mission to afford each student the opportunity to gain proficiency in the skills necessary for future goals. No matter what post-secondary plans students have, they will be prepared. Our Advocacy curriculum and activities will standardize instructional strategies used by teachers and skills gained by students. We will focus on Work Habits, Digital Citizenship, Culture Awareness, and AVID strategies and skill building to produce college and career-ready students.
2. Help Sessions are intended to provide time for students to seek individual help from teachers, work on special projects, make up tests/assignments, receive extra preparation on graduation proficiencies, and meet with college representatives in the College & Career Center. Other activities which may be conducted during Advocacy include assemblies, career days, advisement, and pre-enrollment.
Vision: We want Advocacy to be…
- a place where students can get help and support
- a time for teachers to make connections with students and teach them how to advocate for themselves
- a place where building and district initiatives can be addressed with every student in order to send a clear and consistent message.
Advocacy is a pass/fail class.
Clubs and Sponsors
Club Name Sponsor
Friends of the Library |
Stacy Muse, possibly Cody McIntyre |
Educator's Rising |
Theresa Kelly |
Dungeons & Dragons Club |
Gabriel Costilla |
Multicultural Club |
Brynn Lyman |
Jiu-Jitsu Club |
Jeffries |
Women in Science |
Lisa Needham |
ASL Club |
Rachel Shellhammer |
Jiu-jitsu |
Jamie Jeffries |
ESPN 30 for 30 |
Caitlin Bauer |
Science Olympiad |
Caleb Wiens & Heather Kincaid |
Sydney DuVall |
Heights Book Club |
Lauren Elwood |
John Close, Robert Hall, Sam Alcime |
Potter's Guild |
Dylan Seeney |
Christopher Reed |
Heights Civic Engagement Club |
Kemp, Harper, Fisher, Kelly, Nigg |
Project Youth Wellness |
Charlotte Edwards |
Chess Club |
Starla Fitten |
Advanced Placement Guidelines
All students who wish to accept the challenge of an Advanced Placement (AP) and/or concurrent credit courses are welcome to participate. As students and parents consider the commitment of enrollment, they should be aware of the rigor in these courses so that they can make informed decisions regarding course selection. The following guidelines are provided to assist both students and parents in their consideration of these courses.
AP curricula are written two grade levels above traditional curricula. Concurrent credit and AP classrooms are fast-paced and challenging environments, with most lesson preparation done at home. Therefore, students taking these courses should be self-motivated learners willing to invest time and energy into their activities and assignments.
Enrollment Considerations and Commitments
- Enrollment in Advanced Placement and Concurrent Credit Course(s) is for the full school year.
- Requests to withdraw from Advanced Placement will be denied.
- Only courses designated as Advanced Placement classes will have a weighted GPA as follows:
Advanced Placement |
A | B | C | D | F |
5.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 0 |
Students have these options:
- Pay the fee for the AP Exam and have it scored by the College Board.
- Pay for dual credit from a local College or University if available at your school.
- Pay for both the AP Exam to be scored by the College Board and dual college credit.
The scores earned on an Advanced Placement Exam will have no bearing on the grade earned in an Advanced Placement Course.
The Board of Education approved a schedule of fees to be assessed to participants in high school athletic programs. The additional funding is necessary to support the 20 sport programs currently offered at high school level. The fee schedule is $50 for students paying full lunch fees; $25 for students eligible for reduced lunches; and $15 for students eligible for free lunches. These fees will be charged one time per year regardless of the number of sports in which a student participates.
Competition: Activities on the interscholastic level are a part of the total educational program at Wichita High School Heights. Heights High is a member of the Greater Wichita Athletic League (GWAL) and a member of the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA).
Eligibility: To participate in KSHSAA sponsored activities a student must have passed 5 classes of unit weight the previous semester and must currently be enrolled in and attending 5 classes of unit weight. A student will become ineligible if their class schedule drops below 5 classes. A student must also be in good standing and meet the requirements of the transfer rule (if applicable).
Outside competition: A student must not engage in outside competition in the same sport while they are a member of a school squad. Some restrictions also apply during the school year/outside of season.
Physical Examination and Online Registration: All USD 259 student-athletes are required to complete the online registration process through Rank One Sport,, before participating in conditioning or practice for a sport. Registration can be completed using a computer or mobile device. After a medical provider completes the current KSHSAA physical form, verify all student/parent/legal guardian signatures, and upload the form pages to your account. The physical exam must be completed annually by a medical provider on or after May 1 to be good for summer activities and the August-May school year (e.g., physical completed on May 1, 2024, or after, is valid for participation June 2024-May 2025). Online Registration and approval must be complete before a student may participate in any athletic practice/conditioning/camp.
Eligibility: To participate in KSHSAA sponsored activities a student must have passed 5 classes of unit weight the previous semester and must currently be enrolled in and attending 5 classes of unit weight. A student will become ineligible if their class schedule drops below 5 classes. A student must also be in good standing and meet the requirements of the transfer rule (if applicable).
Competition: Activities on the interscholastic level are a part of the total educational program at Wichita High School Heights. Heights High is a member of the Greater Wichita Athletic League (GWAL) and a member of the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA).
Please call the Attendance Office clerk at (316) 973-1401 any time your student will not be in school.
If leaving a voice mail, please give the following information:
- Name of the parent or guardian calling
- Student's name and grade (plus ID# if possible)
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence; please be specific
Heights High School Policy: There is a direct correlation between regular attendance and academic achievement. It is expected that each student will attend all classes every day. Doctor and dental appointments, job interviews, etc., should be scheduled outside the school day or on days that school is not in session.
In accordance with Board Policy 1460, the parent must notify the attendance clerk at (316) 973-1401, or in person when a student is absent. Notification should be made prior to the absence and must be made no later than 72 hours after the date of the absence. Failure to notify the school will result in the absence being recorded as unexcused. Request to be absent forms can be picked up at respective administrator’s office or from the attendance clerk.
BOE Policy 1460: “Regular school attendance is required of all pupils enrolled in elementary and secondary schools under Kansas compulsory attendance statutes (KSA 72-1113). The Kansas Compulsory School Attendance Law makes parents responsible for requiring a child under their control or charge who is between seven (7) and under eighteen (18) years of age attend school on a continuous basis.” Parents must assume primary responsibility for assuring that pupils who have reached the age of 7 years and under the age of 18 years comply with this requirement unless exempted by statute.
Please note: A student accumulating more than 96 hours of medical/illness absences, will require a doctor’s note in order to be excused per BOE policy.
BOE Policy 1461: “In compliance with requirements of the Kansas Compulsory School Attendance Law, reports shall be filed with appropriate authorities when a child is not enrolled in a public school or non-public school or when a child is enrolled in school and is inexcusably absent - TRUANT.”
3,5,7 Rule: When a student is inexcusably absent for a substantial part of a school day on either three (3) consecutive school days, or five (5) school days in any semester or seven (7) school days in any school year, whichever of the aforementioned occurs first. Student’s attendance pattern must meet this rule before he/she can be reported to the Office of DCF or to the Office of the District Attorney.
When a student is truant, parents/guardians and student can expect:
- Notification of non-attendance is given by the ParentLink automatic telephone system.
- Referral to internal support (school administrator, counselor, social worker, school resource officers).
- Efforts made to reconnect student/family to school.
- Written notification of non-attendance given to parent/guardian.
- Referral to the appropriate state agency if attendance does not improve.
Missed Assignments: It is the responsibility of the student to complete assignments which are missed when absent from a class. The teacher shall make reasonable efforts to encourage and assist the student in the completion of missed assignments.
The AVID system at Heights High School is designed to help students become successful scholars. The goal of AVID is to ensure that students develop the necessary skills and work habits that lead to college and career readiness in our global society. The AVID classroom will meet the needs of students through (1) rigorous modes of instruction; (2) high intensity experiences involving immediate feedback, and attention from the teacher and tutors; and (3) a variety of activities and resources. The AVID curriculum builds heavily on the WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading) methodology to improve student success in all subjects.
All students complete Academic Assessments during the school year based on grade level. Listed below are Assessments students have available.
1. State Assessments: Reading, writing, math, and science tests developed by the State of Kansas are administered to students by grade level. By the end of the 11th grade year, all students will have completed all State Assessments. The scores of students on these tests are used to measure the effectiveness of school programs. Students receive individual scores that indicate levels of proficiency.
2. PSAT and ACT: Students anticipating college complete these tests. The PSAT is completed in the fall of the 11th grade; the ACT is recommended beginning the second semester of 11th grade or later. The ACT is administered once to all Juniors in the Spring semester for no charge.
3. SAEBRS and Fastbridge Assessments: These assessments measure student progress and proficiency as well as social-emotional indicators.
PSAT, Pre-ACT, and WorkKeys will be on Oct., 16 2024.
Junior ACT will be on Feb. 26, 2025.
Students are expected to behave in a manner that is appropriate for high school age individuals and complies with all BOE policies. These behaviors would include attending classes, working on all tasks assigned by teachers, and complying with all reasonable requests made by school staff members. The right to attend a Wichita Public School carries with it the obligation to maintain acceptable behavior. We will not tolerate any person or persons threatening or intimidating students or staff.
Battery or Assault of Staff Member:
BOE Policy 1462: Any pupil who is found to have committed battery (as defined in AIP #1) upon any school district staff member at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall receive a mandatory expulsion from the school district for 186 school days.
Any pupil who is found to have committed an assault (as defined in AIP #2) upon any school district staff member at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the school district for 186 school days.
BOE Policy 1464: Pupil Behavior – Regulations Administrative Implemental Procedures, No. 2. USD 259 will not tolerate any type of bullying (physical, cyber, relational aggression) of a pupil by another pupil, employee, or others. Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action against any pupil or employee involved.
Bullying is:
- Purposeful behavior that intends to cause harm or distress.
- Is usually repeated over time.
- Occurs in a relationship where there is an imbalance of power.
- Cyber bullying sent via cell phone include harmful text or images using internet or digital media sources to send or post information.
Drugs or Alcohol - Possesion or Use:
BOE Policy 1465: Any student who intends to or is selling, manufacturing or trafficking (as defined in AIP #1) alcoholic beverages, drugs, drug paraphernalia, inhalants and/or other controlled or uncontrolled substances, such as, but not limited to, over the counter medications or unauthorized prescription drugs, or any student who possesses such substances in an amount that exceeds the reasonable personal need of the average user of the substance possessed (as determined in accordance with AIP #2), at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall receive a mandatory expulsion from the Wichita Public Schools for 186 school days. For information about the request for school assignments pending a final decision of an extended suspension/expulsion, please see BOE P1472 – Pupil Makeup Work.
Any student who possesses, uses, or appears to be affected by or whose conduct appears to be altered by alcoholic beverages, drugs (except as medically prescribed) and/or other controlled substances, such as, but not limited to, unauthorized prescription drugs, or possesses drug paraphernalia at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Weapons - Possession or Use:
BOE Policy 1466: Any pupil who is found to have brought or to have been in possession of a weapon, as defined in KSA 72-89a01, including any firearm or replica firearm at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall receive a mandatory expulsion from the school district for 186 school days.
Any pupil who is found to have brought or to have been in possession of any article (as defined in AIP 1c) at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the school district for 186 school days.
Any pupil who uses any article (as defined in AIP 1d) to inflict bodily harm or to place a person(s) in fear of bodily harm at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the school district for 186 school days.
Student involvement in gang activity could result in a 186-day expulsion from USD 259.
Emergency Safety Interventions:
BOE Policy 5116: The use of physical restraint may be used as a last resort when any student presents an immediate danger to self or others or, in certain instances, is engaged in the violent destruction of property. Emergency Safety Interventions, or ESI, must be performed in accordance with K.A.R. 91-42-1 and 91-42-2.
Every effort will be made to prevent the need for the use of restraint, which should only be employed where less invasive alternatives are infeasible. Restraint is never to be used as punishment or discipline, as a means of coercion or retaliation, or as a convenience.
Bell Schedule
Red/Black Schedule
1st Block: 8-9:24 a.m.
3rd Block: 9:32-10:54 a.m.
5th Block: 11 a.m.-12:22 p.m.
7th Block: 1:08-2:30 p.m. Advocacy: 2:35-3:10 p.m.
2nd Block: 8-9:24 a.m.
4th Block: 9:32-10:54 a.m.
6th Block: 11 a.m.-12:22 p.m.
Lunch: 12:22-1:02 p.m.
8th Block: 1:08-2:30 p.m.
Advocacy: 2:35-3:10 p.m.
Help session: 2:45-3:10 p.m.
*Note: Every Wednesday is Early Release (2:30 p.m.). Advocacy will not meet on Wednesdays.
Building Hours
Building hours for students are 7:40 am – 3:30 pm.
All students must be off campus by 3:30 pm unless they are participants in supervised Heights High extra-curricular activities.
Students attending evening activities (games, dances, etc.) should be picked up no later than 30 minutes after the activity has ended. Any student not picked up by this time will not be allowed to attend future activities that season.
The library is open before school, during lunch, and after school. All students who are not scheduled with a class must have a pass to use the library during class periods. Students should have schoolwork to complete during class periods. No passes will be accepted from study hall unless the student has made prior arrangements with library staff.
Cell Phones and Technology Use
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices:
BOE Policy 1464: Pupil Behavior – Regulations Administrative Implemental Procedures, No. 14: High Schools: While in the school building, students may use Personal Electronic Devices during class time for instructional purposes as approved by each teacher, before and after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. At all other times, these devices may not be used unless permission is granted by a teacher or administrator.
Computer Use Policies:
Parents and students are required to read BOE Policy 1232 regarding student use of computers and the Internet at Heights High School. Failure to abide by the student acceptable use and internet safety guidelines could result in the loss of normal computer access at the discretion of administration. Depending on the nature of the offense, other actions – including legal – may be taken against a student.
Note: Circumventing the district Internet filter (see "Inappropriate Use" – section 4m and 4q) by using proxy sites is a violation of Board policy and disciplinary action will result.
College Courses
Students may, with the approval of the principal, enroll in one or more college courses after all other appropriate and available options have been expended. Credit earned from the satisfactory completion of such courses may be applied at the secondary school or college level with the mutual consent of the two schools involved. If a student desires high school credit for university coursework, permission of the secondary school principal is required prior to university enrollment. Early graduation is an acceleration option open to students who declare this intent and develop a plan with the counselor to ensure the appropriate number of course credits.
Communication from School
The district and Heights High School uses the ParentVUE online portal to give parents access to information about their student's attendance, assignments, and grades. Students are also able to access this information through StudentVUE. ParentVUE also allows parents to quickly and easily update their family contact information, which is vital in order to maintain strong home-to-school connections.
Parents and students are encouraged to check ParentVUE/StudentVUE on a weekly basis.
ParentVUE contact information must be up to date to receive all district and school communications.
Dual Credit
Seniors have an opportunity to sample the college experience by receiving high school credit for college courses under the following conditions:
- College courses must be offered by a fully accredited college or university.
- A maximum of one credit earned by the completion of two (3 hour) college level classes will be accepted in lieu of state/district course requirements in English. (Outside credit must be completed before the spring semester.)
- Dual credit must be arranged with the principal, or the alpha counselor, prior to enrollment in College Courses. Students may with the approval of the principal enroll in one or more college courses after all other appropriate and available options have been expended. Credit earned from the satisfactory completion of such courses may be applied at the secondary school or college level with the mutual consent of the two schools involved. If a student desires high school credit for university coursework, permission of the secondary school principal is required prior to university enrollment. c. Early graduation is an acceleration option open to students who declare this intent and develop a plan with the counselor to ensure the appropriate number of course credits.
Dress Code
Any staff member who deems a student’s clothing to be in violation of the dress code will send the student to an administrator.
- Student IDs, on a lanyard, around the neck, are required at all times.
- All tops and shirts must cover the entire torso in a modest manner. This means tops must meet the beltline and the material over the shoulders must be of a solid material.
- Footwear is to be worn at all times.
- Clothing with obscene or disruptive pictures or language is not allowed.
- Any attire deemed to be gang-related is prohibited. Any clothing displaying the bandana paisley pattern is not allowed.
Administration reserves the right to make the final decision on appropriate dress in accordance to BOE Policy 1464 A.I.P.12.
Allowed |
Category |
Not Allowed |
*ID worn on lanyard around the neck *ID must be worn in the building at all times *ID clipped to the front of the shirt |
ID & Lanyard |
*ID not worn |
*Tops must cover the midriff *Bottoms must cover waistband *Materials on shoulders must be solid and not see through *Tops must cover undergarments
Tops |
*Tube Tops *Spaghetti straps showing undergarments *Halter Tops *See through top |
*Rubber or Leather bottom shoes |
Shoes |
*Slippers *House Shoes |
*Religious head gear *Ball cap or Durag *Bonnet |
Head Gear |
*Ski Mask *Head gear covering ears |
Never Allowed (On any school day or at school related activity) |
*Violent language or images *Promotion of alcohol, vaping, tobacco, or illegal substances *Bandana, bandana fabric design, or gang affiliation *Bullet proof vest, body armor, tactical gear, facsimile *Sunglasses
*Hate Speech, Profanity, Pornography *Depiction of weapons *Blankets or pillows *Sexual or vulgar words or images *Visible undergarments *Swimsuits out of the pool area *Images/languages which create a hostile/intimidating environment based or any protected |
Dress Code Violations The following measures will be taken to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment: 1. All teachers will request student compliance with the dress code in the classroom and hallways. 2. Teachers will allow students to correct the situation before referring to Administration. 3. Failure to comply with teacher request makes it an act of defiance. 4. Student will be sent to Administration.
Administration reserves the right to make the final decision on appropriate dress in accordance to BOE Policy 1464 A.I.P.12.
Falcon Traditions
Alma Mater
Singing Praises To The Red And Black.
Bringing Honor To Our School.
Willing Hearts And Hands We Pledge To Thee.
Let This Be Our Guiding Rule.
Oh To Heights We Raise Our Voices High.
To Her Name We’ll E’re Be True.
As We Fight To Bring Her Victory.
We Pledge Our Hearts Anew.
Red and Black (Fight Song)
We Hail Our Banner Red And Black
To The Glories Of Our School.
Our Loyalty We pledge To You.
Shall Always Be Our Rule-Fight! Fight!
So Charge Ye Falcons Down the Field,
Your Courage We must See
Our Honor You Must Hold On High,
Hail On to Victory-Fight!
School Colors
Scarlet and Black were originally selected as colors for Heights. However, in years following, red has been generally accepted to be the more practical color. Heights’-students are proud to display the Heights’ colors “red and black” at various activities throughout the year.
The classes wear the following colors:
- Seniors-black
- Juniors-red
- Sophomores-white
- Freshmen-grey
The Falcon
Prior to the opening of school in the fall of 1961, students who were to attend the new Wichita High School Heights selected the Falcon from a long list of possible mascots. This action was officially approved by the school board. There is certain information that all students should know regarding their mascot.
The Encyclopedia Americana tells us that, “The Falcon is generally considered to be the most perfectly developed of all birds. Its body is very strong and compact, but beautifully symmetrical in shape and equipped with powerful, long, pointed wings with which it can hurtle through the air in bursts of tremendous velocity. The Falcon is considered to be the swiftest of all flying birds. Observers credit it with a diving speed of 180 miles an hour. Its legs are short, but sturdy with large, curved claws and its courage is as great as its power.”
The many fine characteristics of the Falcon would certainly exemplify in spirit the reason that it was chosen as the mascot of Wichita High School Heights.
Final Exams
All students are required to be in attendance during finals and take a final exam in all enrolled courses both 1st and 2nd semester.
Early finals are rewarded to students who have 3 or fewer absences in that semester. Tardies are also taken into effect as 3 tardies = 1 absence. All excused absences must be school related or have a doctor note provided.
Graduation Requirements (Class of 2028 and beyond)
3.5 credits of English & 0.5 credit of Communications
**(4.0 credits of English required for NCAA and qualified admissions)**
Communications Courses: Professional Communications, Public Speaking, Competitive Debate, Competitive Speech and Acting, Business Communications, 21st Century Journalism, and Media & Public Relations
3 credits of Social Studies, 3 credits of Math, 3 credits of Science
1 credit of STEM - Possible Courses: 4th year of math OR 4th years of science OR 1.0 credit of any application level CTE classes
0.5 credit PE / 0.5 credit Health 1.0 credit Fine Arts 0.5 credit Financial Literacy 6.5 credits Electives
2 Post-Secondary Assets: Students need to earn at least 2 of the assets listed below:
- ACT Composite Score (21+)
- Advanced Placement Exam (3+)
- ASVAB (Per requirements of military branch selected)
- Client-Centered Project
- Completing Board of Regents Curriculum
- CTE Scholar
- Eagle Scout or Gold Scout
- Industry-Recognized Certification
- International Baccalaureate Exam (4+)
- JROTC (1.0 credit)
- SAT Score (1200+)
- Seal of Biliteracy (Gold or Silver)
- Senior Exit Interview/Senior Project State Assessment (Score of 3+ in ELA, Math, or Science)
- WorkKeys Level (Silver+)
- Workplace Learning Experience
- Youth Apprenticeship
- 2+ High School Athletics/Activities
- 4-H Kansas Key Award
- 9+ Hours of College Credit
- 90% Attendance in High School
Health Services and Medications
Illness or Injury:
Parents should notify the school nurse if there are any health conditions that may require medical attention, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.
Students who are ill should request a pass from their teacher and report to the nurse. Students must have a pass to go to the nurse’s office.
In case of serious illness, a student may be dismissed from school after a parent or guardian has been contacted by the nurse and transportation has been arranged.
All dismissals of students who are ill are made by the nurse. Parents are asked not to take a sick student from school without following the appropriate procedures. All students must check out through the Attendance Office. A student who fails to follow these procedures will be considered truant from class and/or school.
If a student knows that they will be absent from school for a prolonged period of time for a medical reason, it is the student's responsibility to notify the nurse, counselor, or the attendance clerk. A student returning to school after a prolonged absence is to present a doctor's note stating that the student may return to school. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all assignments missed during an absence.
State Law requires a complete set of immunizations for admission to school. Parents were notified in the summer of 2024 if their student needed immunizations. Verification of the immunization update may be mailed to the nurse during the summer, faxed to the nurse, or brought with the student during enrollment. Any updates must have a doctor signature, health department stamp, or hospital official’s signature/stamp. Any questions can be directed to the nurse’s office at (316) 973-1570.
By board policy, medication is administered at school only upon written request from both the parent and a licensed physician or dentist. This includes both prescription and over the counter medication. The medication must be brought to school in the correctly labeled container. Please see the nurse for questions, or to obtain the “Authorization for Medication/Procedure” paperwork. Any questions can be directed to the school nurse at (316) 973-1570.
ID Cards
Students are expected to wear their student IDs on their Heights High lanyard around their neck at all times. IDs should be unaltered with the student’s name and face visible on the ID card.
If you lose your Student ID or come to school without it, you must purchase a new one in the Main Entrance Office, O100. $3 per ID and $2 per lanyard. You will be obligated each time.
Or students can go home and will receive an unexcused absence.
The library is open before school, and after school to accommodate students. No food or beverages are allowed in the library.
All students who are not scheduled with a class must have a pass to use the library during class periods. Students should have schoolwork to complete during class periods. No passes will be accepted from study hall unless the student has made prior arrangements with library staff.
General area lockers can be requested by students. These can be requested at any time in the front office.
Students are responsible for the cleanliness and appropriate usage of this property. General cleaning and repair is provided by the custodial staff, but if the locker assigned to a student is left in an unwarranted condition the student will be required to personally correct the problem.
Students are not allowed to share lockers or combinations. Security will not open someone else’s locker for you. Once a combination is shared, it may be shared again and again.
Lost and Found
Students are not allowed to have food delivered to them via a delivery service. Parents, guardians, or anyone listed on the contact list must check in with the front office. Staff must verify that they are on the contact list and wait until the student arrives unless approved by the administrator.
Freshmen and Sophomores have a closed lunch, per district policy. This is a closed lunch, and students must remain in campus designated areas. Designated areas are the cafeteria, breezeway, commons, G hallway to concession stand, and upper gym for basketball if not on the Academics First List. All other parts of the building are off limits and considered out of bounds (second floor is closed) unless students have a signed pass. Students out of bounds will receive disciplinary consequences including searches.
Juniors and Seniors (as long as they’ve met credit requirements and present a Heights’ ID card) will have open lunch, and these students may leave campus. If they remain on campus, they must remain in designated areas. Students out of bounds will receive disciplinary consequences including searches.
During lunches, students will not be allowed in the parking lots or on other school grounds.
Students will not be allowed on the 2nd floor, A and F Halls or in the lower P.E. areas during lunch. Students who need to go to the 2nd floor or P.E. areas during lunch will need a pre-signed pass from the teacher, coach, or club sponsor. Students will be allowed in the designated areas only on the 1st floor.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are a great way to stay involved in your student's education. Parents have the opportunity to discuss their student's progress, review assignments, learn about future projects, and to strengthen the connection between home and school.
Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year in October and February.
Parking Regulations
Students who drive cars to school are responsible for the following regulations.
1. Students must register with the bookkeeper and security any cars that they drive to school. A parking lot fee of $10 is required by the Board of Education. Registered cars will be expected to display a decal from the rear view mirror.
2. Students are provided two parking areas – the lot south of the building and the yellow painted spaces in the lot west of the auditorium. Students parking in any other spaces, including the visitor’s spaces in front of the building will be ticketed.
3. Students should park their cars in the designated parking area and lock their cars before leaving. Students are not to be in or about the cars during the school day. If it is necessary for a student to go to a car, a permit must be obtained from an administrator.
4. Students may be subjected to vehicle searches within the limits of BOE policy. Searches will be conducted at the discretion of the building administrator.
5. Parking lot violation fines will be according to Board of Education policy. Ten Dollars ($10.00) will be assessed for each violation.
6. The speed limit while on campus is 10 miles per hour. For safety of all, drive with care.
7. Students who endanger others by improper use of their vehicles will be denied parking privileges and face further disciplinary action.
8.All persons and vehicles coming onto the Heights campus are subject to search.
9. Students who are in the parking lot at a time they are not allowed are subject to search.
10.Student parking areas may be modified due to construction.
Progress Reports and Report Cards - ParentVUE and StudentVUE
Grades will be posted every two weeks. Parents are encouraged to use ParentVUE and students are encouraged to use StudentVUE to access grades and attendance information.
Mid-Term Progress Reports are available each 9 weeks and may be accessed through ParentVUE.
Official Report Cards will be available at the end of each semester grading period through ParentVUE.
Safety Drills
Scanner Procedures
All students are required to pass through the Opengate Metal Detectors when entering the building.
Laptops can be placed on the table or lifted up over the scanners.
The following doors are available to enter the building, beginning at 7:40 am. Only the Main Entrance remains open past 8:00 am.
- Main Entrance #1
- Bus Entrance #46
Schedule Changes
During the spring each year, the master schedule is determined by student needs and enrollment course selections. Student and teacher schedules are established for the entire school year. The schedule change procedure is designed to assure that students will start all their classes on the first day of the semester, increasing their chances for success. Schedule change requests must be completed for first semester by the first day of school, and second semester by the last day of the first semester.
The Wichita Public Schools consider the reasons listed below as valid educational reasons for a schedule change. (Course selection during enrollment is extremely important.)
Schedule change requests may occur for the following reasons:
- Schedule does not have a course for every period of the day;
- Duplication of course;
- Class incorrectly sequenced or student does not meet prerequisite;
- Student lacks a class needed for graduation;
- Inappropriate skill level for class (teacher recommendation);
- Individual Education Plan (IEP) service and setting needs.
Schedule change requests are NOT made for the following reasons:
- Request withdraw from Advanced Placement Course(s);
- Preference for a different teacher, period or semester;
- Preference to be with a family member or friend;
- Change mind about taking a course;
- Student or Parent request
School Meals
Breakfast is provided for free for all students.
Lunch fees can depend on family income. Complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application annually to qualify for free lunch and adjustments to school fees.
The district uses LINQ Connect to pay for meals and school fees.
Lunch is served daily in the cafeteria. The menu includes a variety of hot and cold entrees. Special offerings daily include a large variety of fruits and vegetables on the choices bar, and other fresh options. Lunch and breakfast carts are available in the building.
Though the lines may seem long, most students are served within 20 minutes. Students should not cut in line nor allow others to cut. Your ID is your lunch card, so have it available when getting a meal. Students can only get meals with their own ID.
Freshmen and Sophomores have a closed lunch, per district policy. This is a closed lunch, and students must remain in campus designated areas. Designated areas are the cafeteria, breezeway, commons, G hallway to concession stand, and upper gym for basketball if not on the Academics First List. All other parts of the building are off limits and considered out of bounds (second floor is closed) unless students have a signed pass. Students out of bounds will receive disciplinary consequences including searches.
Juniors and Seniors (as long as they’ve met credit requirements and present a Heights’ ID card) will have open lunch, and these students may leave campus. If they remain on campus, they must remain in designated areas. Students out of bounds will receive disciplinary consequences including searches.
During lunches, students will not be allowed in the parking lots or on other school grounds.
Students will not be allowed on the 2nd floor, A and F Halls or in the lower P.E. areas during lunch. Students who need to go to the 2nd floor or P.E. areas during lunch will need a pre-signed pass from the teacher, coach, or club sponsor. Students will be allowed in the designated areas only on the 1st floor.
Senior Pass Card Criteria
- The student is on track to graduate, passing all required courses, including the Fall Semester of senior year.
- The student must take the ACT and WorkKeys prior to Spring Semester of Senior year.
- The student involved in KSHSAA activities must be enrolled in 5 classes, not including Advocacy.
- AP classes cannot be dropped for second semester.
- The student who fails to leave the building and/or grounds during pass card hour will face disciplinary action and may have the pass card revoked.
- Please be aware that obtaining a Pass Card may affect the student’s status as a full time student.
- Changes to 2nd Semester will be made based on availability at the time the application is processed.
Sexual Harassment/Harassment
BOE Policy 1116/1119: USD 259 will not tolerate sexual harassment of a pupil by another pupil, employee, or others. Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action against any pupil or employee involved, including possible expulsion of the pupil and termination of the employee. Others who violate this policy shall be reported to local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action and may be prohibited from being on school property and/or attending school activities. Administrators who fail to follow the policy or fail to investigate complaints shall also be disciplined.
Sexual Harassment is:
- Unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with your right to get an education or to participate in school activities.
- Words or conduct of a sexual nature that offend, stigmatize, demean, frighten, or threaten you because of your sex.
- Uncomfortable, embarrassing or threatening.
- A situation that happens once or many times.
Harassment is:
- Verbal or physical behavior that puts another person down or shows hostility towards another person or group of persons based on their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.
- Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment.
- Behavior that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s educational performance or opportunities.
Student Government
Student Council
Student Council is the only school organization at Heights that is a representative of the entire student body. The promotion of leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and student involvement is a major goal. From the Student Council Constitution: Purpose--to promote cooperation among students, faculty, administration, and community in all school issues and activities.
STUCO Sponsor: Rhiannon Miller
Class Sponsors:
- Freshman: Lisa Stang
- Sophomore: Kesie Uloho
- Junior: Lauren Elwood
- Senior: Brynn Lyman
Tardy Policy and Passes
The following tardy policy will be in effect:
1. Once the tardy bell rings teachers will close and lock their doors.
2. Students in the hallways when the bell rings will be swept to the cafeteria.
3. Students will check in at a designated cart, receive a tardy slip, and their attendance will be appropriately marked as ISS for that hour by the office/holding room.
4. Activities such as talking, sleeping, eating, using headphones or cell phones, and using computers for non-educational purposes are not permitted. Violating these rules will result in dismissal for the day, with potential further disciplinary action the next school day.
5. Administrators hold discretion for special circumstances. Only administrators can authorize the removal of a student from the holding room to be escorted to class.
6. Students who earn a second tardy for the day will be suspended for cumulative tardies.
Tardy Consequences:
1. Students who fail to report to lunch detention and accumulate unserved detentions will receive a lunch suspension.
2. Failure to serve 5 lunch suspensions will result in an office referral.
3. Ten or more tardies will result in a parent conference, tardy contract, and office referral.
4. Students who earn a second tardy for the day will be suspended for cumulative tardies.
Textbooks and other instructional materials are the property of the Wichita Public Schools. They are provided for the use of students who are enrolled in district schools with the expectation they will be returned in the condition they were issued less reasonable wear and tear. Students who lose or damage instructional materials will be charged the replacement cost of the lost or damaged item(s). Each student shall return all textbooks issued to the student at the time they withdraw from the school, at the end of first semester for all classes that do not continue, or at the end of the school year. Students shall write their names inside in the appropriate place and properly use and care for the textbooks.
Each student, or their parent/guardian, shall be responsible for textbooks not returned or damaged by the student. Any student failing to return textbooks or pay for lost or damaged items may have holds placed on diplomas or transcripts, and may be excluded from graduation ceremonies, extracurricular activities and sports, and special events. All fines must be paid by no later than the last instructional day of the school year. All fines not paid at the end of the school year may be turned over to a collection agency. The costs of books and materials are available in the district’s Textbook Manager System.
Students must live 2.5 miles or more from their assigned school to qualify for transportation to that school. Students who miss their bus will be expected to arrange their own transportation. Students on buses arriving after 8:15 am should report to the Main Entrance Office.
Riding the bus is a privilege. Every student riding the bus has this privilege as long as they follow the rules and regulations set forth by the State and the local Board of Education. The privilege to ride the bus may be suspended or revoked if the rules and regulations are not followed.
The district does offer the FirstView app that helps families track their student's school bus. Families will need a security code from the school office to use the app.
Visitors to the Building
Weather Information
The safety of students, staff, and parents is the Wichita Public Schools' greatest priority during the threat of dangerous conditions.
Emergency plans are in place should tornadoes, lightning, hail, or other weather conditions present a safety concern.
If schools are to be closed or activities canceled or rescheduled due to weather conditions, the information will be posted on the Wichita Public Schools' website main page, displayed on all school websites, and sent out via ParentLink and social media.